Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Well, that's 3 votes so far...

Well, I'm still tieing up loose ends at Roleplay Makers, but not as much as before now. Your main admin, ECarminan, is taking some kind of a break (why's he talking in 3rd person?).

Just to let you know (Unless you already know) that this blog is going to be a lot more active with posts than before (And you thought it died? O RLY???) so be prepared for that.

Judging from the poll, people accuse me of copying this idea. We're entering a new world of goals and such, so be prepared for some more.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Tieing up a few loose ends

I'm preparing to strike this site worldwide. What I mean is, that I'm making threads in the "About Us" section with more information about the teams and groups, etc.

Also, there will be a thread on the leaderboards. I haven't forgot about that.

Well, that's all for this post for now.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Okay, few things...

ilikecorn5, our co-administrator, is planning on some secret project for RP Makers that even I don't know about :D

Oh, and also, we've added achievements for our RPG's and there will be some leader boards. Now, I got this idea from Xbox live (*Gives Bill Gates credit for that idea*) and it really measures on how good people are. As well as some other updates, but you'll have to see for yourself :p


Sunday, December 7, 2008

New Co-administrator!

We are glad to announce that ilikecorn5 is the new site Co-administrator!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Vote for Co-admin!

We're currently having a vote to see who's gonna be the Co-administrator of Roleplay Makers!

The poll can be viewed at this thread.

Monday, November 17, 2008

First Roleplay Makers Post!

Roleplay Makers is a forum that people can create roleplays, participate in them, and have a great time!

But this isn't its only purpose; we're having one HUGE game soon and we need you to help out and have this official Roleplay game out and ready to play/roleplay!

Roleplay Makers was created at July 18th, 2008.